CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-04-19 - Dorky little elf

Layout 42/100: This layout if from Lissy. It's not one of her best, to be honest. I have no idea what 'roitaire' means. I also don't really like the links colours, and the text doesn't make much sense to me. Maybe it does to you. What mostly annoyed me about your layout was the way you have 'older entries' on your entry page, and they are all bunched up in a tiny table. If you had really short titles, that would be okay, but you don't so it looks odd. As I say, I personally don't like this layout, maybe because I don't understand it, but it's quite functional I guess. Everything is easily accessable. OOps! Your older entry page doesn't match AT ALL! In fact, its a quite startling contrast. Why didn't you use the one Lissy provided?

Content 79/100: Okay, if I thought I was confused by your layout, I was even more confused by your content. When I started reading, I thought wow, finally, someone who makes me laugh. I loved the way you talked about your rabbit in this entry. But, what's this? You seem to use your diary as a sort of, outlet for stories you write about Middle Earth. Thats cool, and the stories are great, really imaginative and everything. But...you either need a separate archive or a separate diary for them, because I hated how one minute I was reading about your life then next something else. Despite all that, I loved the way you write. It's amusing, descriptive and entertaining. I really enjoyed hearing about your life.

Insight 56/100: I don't think I really gained a very good insight into who you are.I know that you are a HUGE Lord of the Rings fan, that you can write, that you have a brother and a rabbit. I think you would benifit from having a Bio page, about the real YOU, not your LoTR persona. The layout, doesn't go with your diary at all. I'm sure that ypou could find a really nice LoTR's layout SOMEWHERE? That would make the diary seem more like your own. I loved the way your name fits in with your content though!

Errors 80/100: I couldn't find any errors, apart from the older page being different, which I don't know whether you did on purpose or what, and some of your older entries had a slighty different template, but that might just be diaryland not updating, my diary is like that too.

Annoyances 80/100: I was annoyed by those older entries on your entry page, they just looked out of place. The image that your meant to click to join 'oneringrpg' is broken.

Extras 100/100: Well, you have ,loads of extras, happy little tag board, (with matching colours!

Total 437/600 - 72.8%

Would I come back? Yes, for your content, your actual writing was really good. I just thought you needed to make the diary more matching to the type of person you are, and organise your older entries better :)

Reviewed by Katie

moo review