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2003-06-10 - about moo-review

moo-review was co-founded by Bonnie and Euan in April 2003 and they plus a couple of other reviewers (see archives page for list) managed to review about 130 diaries before finding the task overwhelming. Bonnie announced the site closed on June 7 and on seeing this, I volunteered to take it over. Bonnie gave her approval, making me the new moo on the block. ;)

My name is Nina and my diary is zero9. Euan reviewed me under my old username, "neeena". His review of my diary is here.

I'm Australian, so, like Bonnie and Euan, I write in British English, so I will write "favour" and "humour" and "realise" and so on. This does not mean I can't spell - it just means I use British rather than American spelling.

I can spell. Any misspellings you see will either be typos or one of the very few words I'm not sure how to spell and which aren't in any of my dictionaries. By all means criticise my opinions, but don't criticise my spelling unless you're a university English professor with an impeccable record. (Nonetheless, if you spot a likely typo, feel free to let me know via email - and tell me what page it's on, too.) Note that should I happen to quote from an entry of a diary I'm reviewing, the diarist is responsible for that spelling, not me.

Regardless of how moo-review operated before it now operates under my rules and scoring. I am in my late 20s and have been reading online journals for close to 7 years and making websites for close to 6. In internet years this is A Very Long Time ;) so I feel qualified to do reviews even though this is the first time I have done so.

My age naturally influences my opinions. Not being a teen, not having grown up with the net, not being fluent in "txt talk", I'm apt to be more serious than a younger reviewer. I'm not impressed by blinkies, tagboards or endless cut'n'pastes of AIM convos. I'm impressed by coherent, descriptive writing and designs that don't hurt my eyes (or crash my browser).

I will be a tough reviewer. Even if you're already on my buddies list here at diaryland (and therefore you know I like your writing) or one of my reads over at diary-x, I will review "without fear or favour". Every diary I review will be assessed by the same criteria, and I will be honest. I will try not to be brutal, but I will be honest.

If you don't like my review of your diary, complain - in the guestbook or in your own diary or forums, or whatever you have. You can email me at [email protected] if you want to respond privately to your review, but keep it civil.

I use 1024x768 and IE5.5. If your diary doesn't display/function acceptably in that there's something wrong (and it's not gonna be my fault). I am also on dialup. I will not take kindly to 900k images or other bandwidth hogs.

Please read the new rules and the new scoring before you request a review.

moo review