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2003-06-18 - pending

Diarists awaiting review are listed in alphabetical order for convenience. Those who were already pending when I took over moo-review will be reviewed in the order in which I found them. After that everyone will be reviewed on a "first-come, first-served" basis (earlier applications before later applications, assuming nobody messed up).

The following are failed requests - people who requested through the guestbook when it should have been done via the request page, or people who made a mess of their request somehow (didn't provide the info I asked for or provided wrong info, eg typo'd their URL, etc). If you are among the failed requests you need to re-request (more carefully) or else you will not get a review.


The following are locked diaries. I am not reviewing locked diaries at this time, although I will later. If you are listed below, be patient. I will review you, just not straight away.

The following are rejected requests - you have less than 20 entries or your diary is in weblog format, or there's some other problem. Please review the rules and reapply when you meet the requirements (or else ask to be removed from this page, if you no longer want a review).

kathrynn (only 16 entries)

moo review