CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-05-14 - Welcome to our first joint review.


Layout 68/100: Bonnie: Hmm, on my 1024x768 resolution this layout looks kind of messed up.
Euan:It's too simple I don't like it. But, that 100 top Diaryland diaries link ruins the whole simplistic look...so it's not even simple.
Bonnie: Yeah, I don't like that top 100 Diaryland Diaries link either. It ruins the whole effect. What do you think of the overall layout, Euan?
Euan: Imagining I was viewing this layout in 800x600 resolution, I guess it's pretty cool. Everything is laid out in a sound manner and it's easy to navigate.
Bonnie: Hmm I just changed my resolution to 800x600 and I was expecting the rose stalk to be at the bottom of the page, but it's not. There's still a big gap, I don't like that. It looks a lot better in this resolution though. What do you think of that green colour Euan? and the flower?
Euan: It's a nice shade of green, it sort of goes with the flower. The flower would be alright if it didn't just cut off with a straight line on the page.
Bonnie: I'm not big on green but I quite like that shade. The flowers pretty but as I said before it'd look better if it started at the bottom of the page. I like the placement of the word simplicity.
Euan: The navigation is good and easy to use. The inline scroll bar has been used to good effect. I like how the link colours match the flower and contrast well with the background.
Bonnie: Yup, I like the inline scrolling and the navigation.
Final score for layout: We give you a 68 for layout. We liked some things but disliked others.

Content 63/100: Bonnie: I can relate to this entry. I do that too, Euan said so and I realised he was right.
Euan: Your writing style isn't amazing, but isn't awful either. It gets the point across I suppose.
Bonnie: I think you are too repetetive a lot of the time. You go into too much detail and it got very boring at times.
Euan: Yeah a few of the entries made it look like all you ever did was "hang out" with people and you never really explained what hanging out involved.
Bonnie: Mostly your entries were just you describing exactly what you had been doing. Those entries are never interesting on anybodies diary. You did write some entries with feeling though, like the one I linked earlier. You should write more of that sort of entry.
Euan: The grammar and spelling was fine. There weren't any errors that I spotted and I'm a grammar nazi.
Final score for content: We give you a 63 for content as there were some good entries which showed potential for you as a writer but others that bored us to death.

Insight 53/100: Bonnie: Well, as a lot of your entries were just you talking about hanging out with your friends et cetera there isn't much a person can tell about you from them...except that you hang out a lot
Euan: Yeah, but there were a fair few entries that reflected more the sort of person you are.
Bonnie: I'm not sure about this. From reading about you you didn't seem to encounter that many trials and tribulations. Basically just everyday normal teenage life. So yeah, simplistic works I guess.
Euan: I agree.
Final score for insight: We give you a 53 because you open up occasionally but could write with more emotion.

Errors 100/100: Bonnie and Euan: Neither of us spotted any errors.

Annoyances 74/100: Bonnie: The flower annoyed me. Just 'cause it didn't start from the bottom of the page.
Euan: Yeah and the fact that this design only really looks good in 800x600 resolution.

Extras 80/100: Bonnie and Euan: A fair few.

Total 438/600 - 73.0%

Would I come back? Bonnie: Probably not, I'm too lazy.
Euan: Small chance I would but most of your entries were a bit too mundane for my liking.

Reviewed by Bonnie and Euan

moo review