CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-05-12 - "pardon me momentarily while i slip into somthing more comfortable, like, say, a coma"

Layout 79/100: It's a design by Lissy. It's one of her more popular ones, so therefore I have seen it used quite a lot. You've changed things round a bit, added a poll and chaned the "I am" bit to "basics" et cetera. The blue, black and white look quite nice together and the picture is cool. It looks a bit too cluttered in my opinion. There's stuff everywhere, but it doesn't look that bad to be honest. One thing I dislike about Lissy's designs is that her navigation columns are always seperate from the entry bit. It'd look loads better if it was all together, without the space between the entry, and there was an inline scroll bar on the entry bit. If you write long entries the entry column extends really far down the page and that gets on my tits. As it stands there are three columns of varying lengths and it looks unbalanced. I keep thinking this is a strange layout for a bloke to use, but meh, it's just the picture I think. I like how your guestbook matches. All of your links work and our link is there, woot.

Content 82/100: Wow, you are like the male version of me. Loads of what you said is exactly how I feel. You live for your art and music, as do I. Your views on religion and money were the same as mine, and the way you see yourself as being to honest and having rapid mood changes, well, thats me too. Therefore, I enjoyed your content very much. Despite you being somewhat incoherrent. You sometimes wrote about your day and stuff youhave been up to et cetera. Those sorts of entries get quite bland, but you would always include some sort of deep thought or describe how you feel about somthing. I think if you brushed up on your spelling and grammar you'd make a good writer. Also, remember that rthis is your diary and you should write in it for yourself and nobody else. Don't let other people hold you back.

Insight 76/100: Somewhat insightful. You sometimes delved into your past and you wrote a lot about the way you feel about things. I'm not sure the layout suits you really...seems kinda girly.

Errors 70/100: Your archives page has a completely different layout. Spelling mistakes throughout. The lipstick party link on your dropdown menu doesn't work

Annoyances 72/100: How the words in the titles would sometimes overlap depending on how long it was. The varying lengths of the columns. Your archives page was rather confusing, all the months were serperately archived except for January and Febuary which were archived together, meh. The bad grammar and spelling irked me somewhat.

Extras 100/100: You're maxed. I had fun looking at the Suicide girls page, haha.

Total 479/600 - 79.8%

Would I come back? Yeah, I don't see why not.

Reviewed by Bonnie

moo review