CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-05-02 - http://babble.diary-x.com/

Layout 85/100: Hooray for cheesy computer games with bad graphics! *beams* I love this layout because I am a big fan of all those badly made games. Even though the basis of the design is black it's still pretty bright. The background is a city scene and on top of that is the entry box. There's a white dotted line seperating the background and the entry section. It's a very busy looking design. The navigation has a computer character above the title. It stands out very well next to everything else. It is seperated to the left hand side of the entry bit. All the links work fine, and our link is there! The other things on your diary are placed to the right hand side. There's you past ten entries at the top, seperated in it's own box. Under that are the previous/next and archive links, which were also placed at the bottom of the entry. I don't quite know why you placed them twice on the page. Your guestbook, guestmap and a lot of other random things are there too. It looks a bit cluttered to be honest, maybe you could tidy it up a bit.

Content 84/100: I can totally relate to this. Don't worry, you aren't the only internet geek out there. Your entries were generally very long. You tend to write about day to day things, but include a lot of humour and sarcasm within them. That makes them more interesting than the average "I went here, did this, bla bla bla" entries. You write about Kyle a lot. It got kind of boring after a while, but I suppose he is an important part of your life. You don't write about your emotions very often, I think the Kyle entries were the only ones that contained anything semi meaningful. I liked this entry, because I could relate to it. I found it funny that you'd say things like "He has � numbers in his screenname. I know, I know. I told myself a guy with numbers in his screenname is not worth my time." And when you talked about people not being able to spell being annoying. I lIk toTalLie aGreE!!!111. Spread the geek fever. All in all, your diary was an interesting read, mainly because you remind me somewhat of myself.

Insight 76/100: Not much insight into your past or your feelings really. You were successful in portraying your personality in your entries, though. The layout certainly suits you. Apart from designing it to suit your tastes, I can tell you like computer games a hella' lot.

Errors 100/100: None!

Annoyances 90/100: The amount of stuff down the right hand side annoyed me slightly.

Extras 100/100: Lots.

Total 535/600 - 89.2%

Would I come back? Yes I would.

Reviewed by Bonnie

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