CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-06-17 - xoalleyxo

first impressions
older.html: Looks like orange sherbert. :) Links are all the same colour, though. Some navigation in a drop-down and archives in a box below that.
entries: Match archives layout. I'm starting with 030604_14.html

general aesthetics
Pretty. :) Text is black in Verdana at 11px - no problem with the size or contrast. The links don't show up all that well in the smaller size but otherwise everything's fine.
0 points

Design by Lissy. Nicely straightforward - from top to bottom: graphic header, header pic, title, time & date, entry, back/forward navigation. Lovely.
0 points

Mixed. The bulk of the navigation & links are in a drop-down. The hover cursor is a hand and the hover effect is line-through - tolerable. Scrollbar's good, though.
0 points

Previous and next are at the end of the entry but everything else is in the drop-down at the top. Annoying. Also, the previous link is called "then" (which some might mistake for archives) and the next is called "now" (which seems more like current than next). Still, we blame the designer for that.
0 points

Frequent updates - daily as a rule, and more than once a day, as a rule. Well done. :)
5 points

Some common spelling mistakes and typos, otherwise coherent. Grammar and punctuation are about average, but nothing I can't understand. :)
0 points

Quite a bit of blog-type content (particularly quiz results - and what seems like half of Quizilla here), a few lists, some AIM convos... (skim, skim, skim) And the rest is very average - going to the mall, hanging out with friends, general teen stuff. It's all right, I suppose, but I don't feel like there's much I can get into, and I don't see anything really deep. Phooey.

Wow, you know what? I've written 100 entries. Isn't that crazy? I know some of them shouldn't count, because they were rings and such. But, still. 100. Shouldn't I be doing a big musical number or something? Whatever.
Those damn litter rats

I had to go shopping for more church clothes, because I don't have enough, says my mom. Bleh, I hate dressing up. I got this low cut black stretchy shirt that *I* personally don't think was very appropriate for church. My mom promised no one would care. Well, anyways...I love that shirt. I'm not going to be wearing it to church, ahem, but other times, yes.
If I'm just bad news, then you're a liar

Anywho, then we went to the pool (Because there were some hot hot boys...and we wanted to be cool and sit around the pool for 15 minutes. GO US!) and sat out. And I'm still not tan, dammit. Well then we went back, and we were all confused and stuff because it was hot out. Bleh, we were talking about fat people sweating more, and then, out of the blue, I go BLALES HAVE WHUBBER TO KEEP THEM WARM...Haha, I'm an idiot.
Wait, don't put on your brace, then I can't push you in the pool!

0 points

Email and guestbook in the drop-down, but I have to view source to find out what they are.
2.5 points

link back
Yep, right there in the template, at the bottom of the page.
5 points

0 points

my comments

I figure you for an "average" teen diarist. This doesn't make your diary bad, just uninteresting to me personally. Next time you change layouts, though, do try to get one where the visited and unvisited links are different colours. :)

Archive structure is non-existent - everything going back to December 15 is on the one page.

Total negative points: none
Total positive points: 12.5
Number of neutral scores: 7
Final score: 62.5/100

moo review