CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-06-16 - dispirited

first impressions
?entry=split: Takes quite a while to load. Black background, a pic on the left, a scrolly div in the middle, a pic on the right. Text is white, links are khaki. The text hurts my eyes and I can't read the links without turning my brightness way up... whereupon the text hurts my eyes even more. Gah.
entries: Match archives layout (unfortunately). I'm starting with 20030514

general aesthetics
Ugh. Georgia at... (*views source*) ...yep, 8pt. Too small. All fuzzy. Hard to read. Ugh.
-2.5 points

Self-designed. Hurts my eyes. Also ugly. *cries*
-2.5 points

Almost non-existent. The default cursor is ne-resize, the hover cursor is se-resize, the hover effect is a light blue dotted bottom border, all links have (the same) mouseover status bar text which means I can't tell what they do without viewing source, and all links are the same colour. The only thing that's okay is the scrollbar.
-2.5 points

I'll assume that "stalled" is "previous" and "driving" is "next"... Argh. Not good. Don't make me guess what your links do, dammit!! *views source* Ah, no. "stalled" is archives and "driving" is current entry... which means the "back" and "forward" navigation is at the top, on either side of the entry title. Which means I have to scroll back up to move forward after reading each entry. Wait - it is at the bottom, it's just bloody hard to see. <@ is back and @> is forward. Still - ugh.
-2.5 points

Irregular. Noticeable gaps.
0 points

Quite coherent. A few missing apostrophes, some abuse of the ellipsis, punctuation slightly stream-of-consciousness, some common spelling mistakes (eg "definately" instead of "definitely"), but otherwise good.
0 points

Some blog-type content but otherwise normal diary stuff - what she did, what she said, what they said, what she felt, etc. Quite easy to read (cognitively, if not physically). Some teenage angst, but it's not overdone - she's just expressing herself, not doing it for attention. I can relate to much of what she's saying about the guys she knows, as in "hey, that happened to me, too" - makes it easy to follow. :) Entries tend to be longer rather than shorter, too. Good stuff. :)

I hate being part of a fucking soap opera that should never have aired in the first place.

I usually don't have such vivid dreams... I find it odd that I can still remember it so clearly. I guess I need to sleep on the couch more often.

I have this weird way of being friends with all the guys everyone usually considers being geeks or losers, or both. They all seem so great to me, though. We'd talk about computers and things like that a lot... but other stuff too. I really felt like we would be close forever...

The whole rest of the time he was there with me, he had his head on my shoulder. It was so warm and fuzzy... like a hamster! At first I pretended not to notice (I have a bitch reputation to live up to...), but as time wore on, I let my head rest on his, and his arm kind of creeped aroudn me a little. I wished so much that Sharon wasn't there, because she was just kind of staring at us like Wes. I hate doing that kind of stuff in front of people... I need more action than us holding each other. (I am starting to wonder if Colin just said he didn't want me talking to Drew because he was jealous?)
We May Not Have It All Together, But Together We Have It All

0 points
2.5 bonus points

Email and guestbook, although I have to kinda hunt for them in the source because I can't tell what's what on the screen. Grrr.
2.5 points

link back
Yep, button link on the links page, although I have to view source to make sure it's correct. :(
2.5 points

imood in the template.
2.5 points

my comments

Your writing is enjoyable but your coding makes it a real chore to read. Recommendation: set font size in pixels (px) rather than points (pt). Georgia in 11px is quite readable on my monitor but Georgia in 8pt is a horrible fuzzy mess. And please learn to leave the cursors alone. Some of us have imperfect vision and need our outsize default cursors in order to be able to see where the heck the pointer is on the page. And at some stage please do away with the (identical!!) mouseover text from your links. It's a real pisser to have to view source to find out what's what.

Archive structure is excellent - uses the entry=split function to differentiate between months.

Total negative points: -10
Total positive points: 7.5
Number of neutral scores: 3
Final score: 45/100 plus 2.5 bonus points

moo review