CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-06-16 - tsotrip

first impressions
?entry=split: Blue-purple background, table centred in that, nice tranquil header pic, archives on the left, other stuff on the right. Also self-designed. Oh, and hey - unvisited and visited links are different colours! Yay!
entries: Match archives layout. I'm starting with 20030526

general aesthetics
Text is black on a white background. There are some graphic links on the right, some other links in drop-downs, and forward and back navigation under the entry.
0 points

It's lovely. Full points for being self-designed.
5 points

Almost excellent: visited and unvisited links are different colours, hover cursor is a hand, hover effect is underline plus a colour change and the scrollbar uses my defaults. It's just those internal links in the drop-down that I don't like.
2.5 points

Previous, current, next and archive are text links under the entry. These are repeated as image links at the top of the right-hand column (though there is title text, so if you mouseover these they will tell you what they're for). More image links for other thingies that are also linked in the drop-down. So, hmm, it's mixed, but on the whole, good.
2.5 points

Frequent updates, with some multiples. Very good.
2.5 points

About average in the literacy stakes. Coherent, and spelling is fine, but some typos that could have been caught prior to publication and irritating punctuation. The apostrophes are all there but it reads a little stream-of-consciousness due to a lack of properly-placed commas and a jarring lack of hyphens. Erm.
0 points

Unfortunately the first thing to grab my attention is a dashed line after almost every paragraph (although not on every page, thankfully). This makes it look like a weblog (and there is also some blog-type content, such as quizzes). Not good. There is also no flow. Every little bit is self-contained. I call this a borderline blog and my brain is objecting to having to read the next 18 entries. Sigh.

I�m still convinced my anxiety dreams stem directly from the educational system of which I�m free for another 204 hours, despite my release from it, I�m still having anxiety dreams. Last night brought along another unpleasant dream. I woke from it feeling terribly (as I always do when I kill people off). I couldn�t/can�t recall who died in my dream, all I can pinpoint is many people died in various portions of the dream.
Darkness Falls

It�s now 1:01 AM and I�ve return to my nightlife. My family is insane. One minute we�re all getting along, the next Jonathan is kicking Joseph in the face- literally. One minute my mother and Rachel are sitting at the kitchen table talking about her date last night, the next my mother is kicking her out of the house. I really can�t take much more of this. I need order and structure in my life, it�s one of the few things that hasn�t changed since I was a small child.
"Heinous One" is a bit cumbersome.

0 points

Email and guestbook, both quite easy to find.
5 points

link back
Yep, on the reviews page.
5 points

0 points

my comments

I'm certainly not going to tell you to change your style. It's your diary, you can do what you damn well please with it. :) But it was a slog to review. Sorry 'bout that, but there you are.

Archive structure is excellent - uses the entry=split function to differentiate between months.

Total negative points: none
Total positive points: 22.5
Number of neutral scores: 4
Final score: 72.5/100

moo review