CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-06-13 - mahal

first impressions
?entry=split: Loads almost instantaneously. Grey background, basic links on the left, "value-added" links on the right, archives in the middle. "?entry=split" is also the default archive page, so that's good.
entries: Match archives layout. I'm starting with 20030517

general aesthetics
Good. Text looks like Trebuchet MS at 13px, black on a white background. Perfectly fine.
2.5 points

Self-designed and respectable. The entry is in a white box between the two lots of links and it looks like the writer cares about her presentation.
2.5 points

Fair: hover cursor is a crosshair, hover effect is to turn the link to white if the background is white, or to dark red if the background is grey. Thus links on grey have hardly any hover effect and links on white disappear on hover. Rather annoying. And, as usual, links are all the same colour - black links are always black, burgundy links are always burgundy. At least I can see the bar of the scrollbar.
0 points

Simple and easy to understand. Basic links on the left, other links on the right, and forward and back navigation under the entry.
2.5 points

Kinda sporadic updates, with some significant gaps.
0 points

Inconsistent capitalisation, spotty punctuation, mostly good grammar and good spelling... although the repeated lack of an apostrophe in a possessive noun has me grating my teeth. (Girlfriend's, mother's, friend's, etc. Please consider.)
0 points

A lot of entries seem to be divided into little sections. That's interrupting the flow... severely. What's wrong with just starting a new paragraph? Grrr. So it's rather like reading a blog, and it's intensely annoying. I'm having serious trouble paying attention, in fact. So the only impression I'm left with is my first - young adult, chafing because she lives at home with mum.
-2.5 points

Email and guestbook, both obvious.
5 points

link back
Yep, button link on the links page.
5 points

0 points

my comments

The image above your entry box is a different grey around the edges. Clean it up if you can; it looks sloppy and spoils the effect. And I'm afraid my attention wandered fragmented every time my eyes alighted on one of those "-=-=-=-=-=-=-" dividers. Which was a helluva lot. Get rid of those pesky things and request a re-review, because I'm sure I can't give you an objective score when my brain feels like it's gone through a six-month course of shock therapy in 47 minutes. But, ah, 2.5 bonus points for being a genuine moo person. :)

Archive structure is excellent - takes advantage of the "entry=split" function to differentiate between months.

Total negative points: -2.5
Total positive points: 17.5
Number of neutral scores: 4
Final score: 65/100 plus 2.5 bonus points

whoops! Scored you wrong the first time. Amended now. Mucho apologetica.

moo review