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2003-06-18 - karensuep

first impressions
older.html: A bit slow to load but otherwise pretty. Blue background with header and footer pic of flowers.
entries: Do not match archives until June 8. I'm starting with 030528_31.html

general aesthetics
Again, pretty. Dark greyish-purple-blue background with a dark lilac scrolly div for text and a sidebar in the same dark lilac. Font looks like Trebuchet MS at 12px. Quite readable.
0 points

Archives layout by daisydesign, initial entries layout "inspired by" vanished (so I'm not sure if that means "inspired" or "based on").
0 points

Not great. Links are all the same colour, sidebar links are bold but links in entries are normal weight. At least visited links are detectable by the presence of a line-though. Hover cursor is a crosshair and hover effect is non-existent. The scrollbar is well-defined but - ugh - there's scrolling text at the bottom of the entry. No, I do not like.
-2.5 points

Previous and next under the entry and everything else in the sidebar (with good descriptive titles). In other words, decent.
0 points

Between regular and sporadic. Sometimes you update about every second day, sometimes not for weeks.
0 points

The first thing that leaps out at me is the abuse of commas. The second thing is "Tolkein". Please, at least make the effort to spell famous names properly! Then there is the abuse of apostrophes. Sigh. More care needed. Intelligible on the whole, but could be better, I think.
-2.5 points

As an atheist I not only can't relate to the religious content but find it very difficult to read (not your fault; my fault for being a non-believer). So it seems to me it's either about your friends/guys you like or about your religion... with smatterings of other things like your father being weird (according to you, heh). It's coherent on the whole but there's not much I can really get into the flow of.

This morning, I woke up at six to the wonderful sound of thunder and the awesome display of power in lightning. I lay in my bed utterly amazed that God could do something that sounds terrible to some, but to me, it was like sitting through a symphony. I loved it.

I love music. Music will forever be a part of me. I like the goosebumps I get as God's love and mercy is shown through the notes and rhythms, and of course, through the lyrics.
Music invades my soul

I was mourning for one of my dearest friends as she had told me she was Wiccan. I didn't hate her; I still loved her, but I mourned the fact that if that were true she wasn't going to be with my brother, Grandfather, PopPop, or even some of her family and friends. That really hurt.
The Needed Cry

0 points

Email and guestbook, both obvious.
5 points

link back
Yep, right there in the template.
5 points

imood in the template.
2.5 points

my comments

Why is it that so many Christians come across as narrow-minded bigots? Don't take this super-personally but from the way you write it seems to me that unless someone has exactly the same beliefs as you, you don't respect them as individuals/real people. Oh, anyway, it's your diary and I'm not going to tell you what you "should" write or how to make yourself a better person (and no doubt you'd instinctively reject an atheist's advice anyway). Your diary is your diary and your personal outlet and I'm just an atheist who didn't enjoy it all that much. Just sayin'.

Archive structure is questionable - looks like you do it by the year. So all of 2003 on one page. It's just a bit much to look at. :(

Total negative points: -5
Total positive points: 12.5
Number of neutral scores: 5
Final score: 57.5/100

moo review