CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-04-22 - It's not about the ending, it's about the journey.

Layout 80/100: I really love the blues and the general placement of everything on the layout. It looks so calming and peacful. I don't really like the picture though. I have no idea who Lex Luthor is. I've pondered over this ever since I first saw this layout. Someone informs me it's somthing to do with Smallsville? Meh. I actually think that picture ruins an otherwaise lovely layout. The entry placement is good and easily distinguishable. The navigation is so easy to use. Everything is nicely seperated with titles. You have so many links, which all work! Our link is there too =) The navigation section is longer than the entry section quite often, depending on how much you have written. I'm quite the perfectionist, so that annoys me. There is also a big gap between the navigation and entry bit. I think it would look better if it was all joined togther, and a scroll bar appeared if your entry was longer than the navigation. If that makes sense?

Content 77/100: You write a lot about your family, especially Tyler. You do have a fine writing style. I couldn't really get into your diary to be honest, but anyone can see that you write well. You do fill your entries with emotion. Almost every entry I read had feeling to it. You sometimes write poetry in there (even though you have a poetry diary). I'm not really into poetry, but I really did enjoy what I read of yours. You have an excellent way with words, it's just a shame I couldn't really get into it. You seplling/grammar is generally good. A few typo's here and there.

Insight 75/100: Your entries were fairly insightful. Especially this entry, I thought. I admired that you wrote about those things. I'm not sure if the layout suits your personality to be honest. You designed it yourself, so I guess you know best. However, it doesn't really tell me much about you, except that you like Lex Luthor (whoever he is!)

Errors 100/100: None that I could fine.

Annoyances 64/100: The fact that you had sooooo many links and things under your entry started to bug me after a while. It looks kinda cluttered. The gap between the entry and navigation, and the fact the navigation section is longer than the entry sometimes bugged me too. You've also disabled write clicking, so I couldn't right click your links *sigh*

Extras 100/100: So many! I'd be here all night if I tried listing them all.

Total 496/600 - 82.7%

Would I come back? I don't think so, I just couldn't get into it.

Reviewed by Bonnie

moo review