CSS || images || 800x600+ || NS4+ / IE4+
2003-06-12 - lilpeanut80

first impressions
older.html: Grey background, pink text, pink links. No actual design.
entries: Match archives in that it's a grey background with pink text and pink links, but with structure this time. I'm starting with 030519_55.html

general aesthetics
There is a layout of sorts. Three columns, text in the middle. There's nothing appealing about it, though. The main font looks like News Gothic and is a decent size, but the date and title are so small I can't read them. Oh, wait, if I squint I can just read the date, but I still can't read the title.
0 points

Not very good. :( There is a design credit for moviegrrl but I sincerely hope she can do better than this. There's an image top-left which is an Alice in Wonderland reference, but it's just stuck there and doesn't seem to have significant relevance. At least the basic structure of the layout tells me where to look for navigation and what I can assume is text. Oh, and visited links are white. That's something, but still... It would be far better if unvisited links were a different colour. Sigh.
-2.5 points

Other than unvisited links being the same colour as text, decent: the scrollbar is my default and the hover cursor is a hand and the hover effect is underline.
2.5 points

Last five on the left, forward and back beneath the entry, other links on the right. Quite acceptable.
0 points

Fairly regular updates as of May.
0 points

A few minor typos, otherwise good spelling (other than "alot", which is not a word, dammit), excellent punctuation, semi-colloquial grammar but nothing I can't understand. :)
2.5 points

Extremely readable. Occasional pics, with meaningful commentary. I like. :)

Today as I was teaching one of my classes, I caught a glimpse of my favorite school groundskeeper outside of the window. I often see him out there, but today was unusual because he had stopped his work and was paying attention to my lesson. This made me a little bit nervous; anyone who works with children can tell you that it cramps your style when another adult is in the room. You are suddenly self-aware and you can�t act as freely and (lets face it) moronically as you do when it is just you and the kiddies. Second of all, I know that the groundskeeper (before the quarantine) used to take language lessons in the city at night and on weekends. He is a very ambitious groundskeeper, which is partly why I like him. I was worried that my lesson for today, which was basically �airplane�, �train�, �subway�, �bus�, etc. wouldn�t impress him.
5 points
5 bonus points

Email and guestbook, both obvious.
5 points

link back
Yep, on the reviews page.
5 points

0 points

my comments

Get a better layout. You write very well, but that layout makes your diary look cheap'n'nasty. You're selling yourself short with that.

Archive structure is reasonable - archiving is per two months up to December, but no archiving has been done so far this year.

Total negative points: -2.5
Total positive points: 20
Number of neutral scores: 4
Final score: 67.5/100 plus 5 bonus points

moo review